Vision and Mission

Value Proposition
Inspiring retail experience that will transform your home and living spaces
To be the most inspiring home and living store in New Zealand
Paulas is a family business that has a highly energised and committed team, always striving to go the extra mile. Paulas provides a fun and unique environment for both customers and staff, that makes everyone feel valued, trusted and loved. Paulas is a store that provides an inspirational haven that is "full of surprises"


Brand Essence

Brand personality
Playful, vibrant, approachable,
honest, respectful, imaginative, savvy
fun, interesting, classy

Organisation values
Intuitive, influential, honest, fun, fashionable,
energetic, unique, progressive, positive mental attitude

Emotional benefits
A celebration of self expression, enlightening experience, reassured,
listened too, trusted guidance. Delighted and contented

Rational Benefits
Local, large retail space, Niche range of desirable brands, Welcoming
and personable customer service and well informed support
A quality product that will make a statement in your home

Brand Features
Independent furniture, bedding and home décor store. Unique range of brands.
Delivery service and interior design consultancy services available